Welcome to my website for The Hot Springs National Park Arkansas. My name is Amro Latif.
For this course GEOG1101, I’m to describe this park as well as how great it is to visit also, how special it can be.
As for me, I have never been to a hot springs park, of course, I heard all about them so I decided to pick The Hot Springs National Park in Arkansas because It seems really interesting.
It is a great place to relax and enjoy yourself at the moment by walking around the park or enjoying the hot springs.
From being the oldest National Park managed by the system it is known to also be the oldest park protected by the system.

It also has a lot of different activities in the park as it is the only National Park with its own brewery inside the borders. They also have a cupcake store where you can try many different flavors of Cupcakes.
I think one of the greatest things about this park is that when in season you’re allowed to bring a basket and collect fruits and nuts from the forest as plums, blackberries, hickory nuts, persimmons, grapes, muscadines, blueberries and, juneberries. However, the national park allows collection only for personal consumption.
The park also has a mining area in the mountain of Ouachita where you can mine rich crystal deposits.