Average temperatures in Hot Springs can range from about 90°F (32°C) to less than 27°F (-2.7°C).
Summer days can be hot and humid, with heat index values up to 110ºF (43ºC).
Winter wind chills can make temperatures feel much colder, as low as 15ºF (-9.4ºC).
Spring and fall typically have the most rainfall. Generally, Hot Springs experiences mild weather throughout the year.
As we can see in the next graph the potential of receiving snow in the park is really low to the point it is impossible.
The highest peak of daylight is in June mostly warm weather.
As we can see the wind’s speed can differ depending on the time of the year, however, it can be chilly at times to have a jacket with them.
As you can see the precipitation can make a lot of differences depending on the locations.
The Hot Springs National Park has consistent humidity throughout the year.